My Co-Laborers in the Lord,
May God bless you all. Yes, I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will give each of you His fullest blessings and His peace in your hearts and your lives. All my prayers for you are full of praise to God! When I pray for you my heart is full of joy (Philippians 1:2-4).
Set Your sight on things above and trust in what God says. God’s Promises are yea and Amen. Because God has promised you victory you know that you have already over come. This year has brought to us some challenges; But God!!! God has lead us through each and every one because He said He will put no more on us than we can bear. Our trials and tribulations have only made us stronger. Count your many blessings. We know that these are the last and final days and that Jesus is soon to come. Jesus said, “Will I find faith when I come?” Saints you are allowing your faith to grow stronger as you face your challenges. Don’t run away from what you are going through. Let God lead you.
It has been such a blessing to see the growth in you. I want you to recognize how far you have come. I know that sometimes you get tired and weary. I encourage you to stay in the Word, Pray in The Spirit and keep looking to God the Father through Christ Jesus.
We know that Jesus is soon to come and we must be ready. God said that He would have none to perish, but that all will come to repentance. Let’s make sure that we are ready.
Decide to live the Christian life. Walk like Jesus. Talk like Jesus. Those things that held you bondage; those things that kept you away from total obedience to Our Heavenly Father, leave them behind and move forward with a made up mind and a renewed heart to live the True Christian life. Let Jesus be Lord of every area of your life.
Have a Blessed and Victorious life. Be ready!!
I love you,
Pastor E. Ann Scott