Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise

Today you will be with Me in Paradise

Luke 23:39-43

 Hanging on either side of the Lord on their own deserved crosses were two evil doers. Both of them even though hanging and dying, coming near to the end of their wretched life only to face God in judgment upon their death joined in with those who mocked and hated Jesus. Matthew 27:38-44. After a while something struck the thief on the right and he had a change of heart and began to rebuke his partner in crime. “Don’t you fear God, we deserve what we’re getting but this Man has done nothing.” The eyes of his heart was opened and he saw himself in the light of Holy God. As Isaiah said “Woe is me I’m a man of unclean lips.” He recognized that he was worthy of punishment and death. In his humbled state he turns to Jesus, cries for mercy and pardon and says “Remember me when you come into Your kingdom”;  not if You come but when You come. He recognized essay writer Jesus as the Son of God, Savior  and Lord. He recognized that all the things he had heard over the years were true and Jesus says, ” I tell you the Truth, Today you will be with me in paradise”. 

Hebrews 4:16 says It is true that some people will enter God’s rest, but those who first heard the way to be saved did not enter because they did not obey. So God planned another day called “Today”.   

Today not tomorrow. 

This thief does not have to wait until the Messiah comes in all His Glory.

Today My death is sufficient to make you right with a holy and righteous God.

Today it’s My Blood that will make you whole.

Today I’m taking your place.

No telling how long this thief was in a dark dungeon of a jail, but Jesus is saying Today you’re coming out of darkness into the marvelous Light.

Today to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Today you will have access to the Presence of the God.

Today salvation has come to you .

The thief did not get Baptized nor did he have a church membership-Today

Salvation is not about a good feeling- this thief had nails in his feet and hands, struggling to keep from suffocating-Today

Salvation did not come to him by praying the sinners prayer (even though it’s nothing wrong with it) he only asked Jesus to remember him. It’s a heart thing -Today

Salvation didn’t come to him by changing the way he lived. The thief had no time for that. You’ve heard people say once I’ve changed I’m coming to church or when I get myself together I’ll accept Jesus. If we could change on our own we wouldn’t need Jesus-Today

Salvation didn’t come by how many chicken dinners he sold. He couldn’t work his way into heaven. Ephesians 2:8  We are saved by grace through faith not by works.. So you can’t even brag about it. It is solely a gift from God. Today

Salvation came through Jesus alone and Jesus clothed that dying thief in His righteousness and made him fit for heaven.  

Today in Greek is Semeron which means THIS DAY

Today you can trust me

Today I will never leave or abandon you

Today I will not fail you

Today I will go through it with you

Today you can depend on Me

Today I Am your Peace

Today I Am The way, the Truth and The Life

Today there is only One name by which you can be saved and that name is Jesus.

So today whosoever will call upon My name shall be saved

Today because I sit at the Right Hand of the Father. You must know Today you are seated in the Heavenly Realm because you are one with Me. You are the head and not the tail.  You are above and not beneath. Today you are more than conquerors and the VICTORY is yours!!! 

And whatever our Today is when we close our eyes on this side we will be ushered in the presence of the Lord for all eternity.  

Sheila Marsh


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