Does your sacrifice please The Lord?
The simple Truth is that disobedience and rebelliousness bring poverty and bondage.
- Hosea 9:8-9 -The Prophet faced hostility even in the House of God. God will reject those that do not listen and obey. They will be wanderers and homeless.
- Hosea 10:1- The more wealth people get, the more they turn away
- from God…
- Hosea 10:2-The richer they get the more beautiful idols they get for themselves. The hearts of the people are fickle.
- Hosea 10:12 Plant the good seed of righteousness and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your heart for now is the time to seek The Lord, that He will come and shower righteousness upon you.
- 11:17 My people are determined to desert Me. They call me The Most High, but they do not truly honor Me.
- God’s love for us is so overwhelming that He can motion and not inflict the punishment upon us that we deserve.
- 12:6 Always act on the principles of love and justice and always live in confidence dependence on God.
- God promised that He will transfer your valley of trouble into a gateway of hope.
Live according to God’s plan for your life and be victorious!!!